Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 29
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 28
Monday, September 27, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 27
Now its only 1.10pm. Actually I always write diary at night, but since its been declared Sunday routine today, I might as well write it now. Half a day gone, one sharp word hurts my feeling. I wake up at 10.15am in the morning as I was on middle watch last night. When I muster at cafeteria, I saw my department was doing ropework like bowlbarnelline & cargo net. I help up in the work which "somebody" make a remark that I was xxxx and another "somebody" added xxxxx.... I was hurt by it inside me though I remained composed on the outside. Whether its a joke or not, I feel they must have this sort of impression. Make me feel ...*private thoughts written half a page* .
Just half a day gone, one bad remark just spoilt the day. The other half, I'll write tonight. I'll try avoid talking to him, this is my decision which I wish I'll be able to achieve, only speak to regarding work, other things I'll try to keep my mouth shut, anyway people didn't notice what you have done.
2nd half
Went to Gym to work out. Peng made sacarstic remarks as he seemed annoyed at my attitude at working out. I knew he did that to spite me to train so I didn't take the remarks too hard. Well, that's all for the day. Signoff, Weizhong
(The below was written on same page after signoff for 27 Sept 1997)
Exactly 2 years ago, I was enlisted for NS, now 4 months to go for ORD. Still remember the trouble-ridden times in my final year in Poly, about a golden opportunity miss of the girl I like, Sxx xxx. The happy times before enlistment at Takashimaya and of course, my first days in the army.
My early Army BMT days before I join the Navy family
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 26
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 25 (Bye Bye Honiara)
L202 sailing towards the Rainbow bridge on that day of departing Solomon Islands
Honiara is a place where probably I won't have a chance to visit if it is not for the MSTD trip. My memory of Solomon Islands is that the local people there are very friendly towards us. Everywhere we go, we seem to be centre of attention and greeted with smile and warmth. I vaguely remember there is one teenage girl even wave at us. We just smile back. The cost of things there however, is expensive. I bought a "Nguzu Nguzu" keychain at around S$7-S$9 but it was a special logo of Solomon Islands that I wanted so badly. The keychain was with me for almost 12 years before retiring last year. I forgotten where I kept it since. Other memories include my best meal of the MSTD trip was at the hotel at Honiara. I think its a simple chicken teriyaki meal but it taste so good. Maybe I was really tired during that phase of MSTD trip that I gave such high rating for a simple luxury. I think the Honiara FCEP duty day ranks among the busiest day of my MSTD trip. The body really feel the fatigue and I think I'm not alone. I also have the 1st time experience of swimming in an area where sharks are around. Finally, I remember the midshipman batch has an opportunity to play the Solomon Islands football team. The ship crews are not involved in this game, only the midshipmen. I think I heard Solomon Islands won 9-0 against our young navy officers to be, the midshipmen.
I do read about Solomon Islands news occasionally since that trip. I think near year 2000 or so, there is a civil war that broke out there. Near end 2003, the Oz govt under John Howard send in a peacekeeping force to Solomon Islands to maintain peace. I think the situation isn't as bad as the Ambon one but during that time, the Ozs are also involved in Iraq or Afghan operations, so maybe Solomon Islands involvement may take off some pressure to send more troops to the George Bush crappy ops in Iraq.
Sunset photo at Honiara, Solomon Islands - Photo courtesy of EM Ong
Friday, September 24, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 24 (Honiara)
Giordano - World of Strangers @ Honiara
The above is my favourite photo of the MSTD trip. It is taken on EM Goh's camera (green shirt guy on the left most side). Remember he say our photo can be used for Giordano advertisement slogan, "World of Strangers". On EM Goh, he is the electrical guy onboard L202 and same ORD date as me. He may be small size but has a fiery temper, don't step on his toes on a bad day. Heard he work in a big IT firm (Sun) after ORD but actually not very sure because didn't stay in touch after L202 dinner in 98. Think saw someone that looks like him during last year RT @ Khatib camp but didn't talk as wasn't really sure its him and the person also "bo chap".
Back to Honiara, Solomon Islands, I remember the final duty day as a very tiring day because running many rounds of EP, to/fro the ship. Everyone was super tired, that why I got abandoned by my fellow team at night during securing of EP. Was damn pissed & tired on that night.
However, the thing that I have the strongest impression about my trip to Solomon Islands without refering to my sailing diary, also happen on this day. On that Solomon island duty day, the ship was anchored out at sea. During off duty watch period, CO allow us to swim in the sea near our ship. He also swim in it and many of us join him by jumping from the ship into the Solomon island calm sea. It was fun until after we finished the swim, our dear RO Wilfred informed us that this area is actually a SHARKS area. What the...why didn't he tell us before we jump into it. Haha, we all have a good laugh about how naive all of us were at that time, enjoying the swim, not aware of potential danger of sharks.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 23 (Honiara)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 22 (Honiara)
Honiara (highlight in red), the capital of Solomon Islands
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 21
Monday, September 20, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 20
Photo with Yam & Yeo @ Quarterdeck. Ship was rolling
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 19
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 18
I'm vexed today !!! Signoff, Weizhong
At work on this problematic day. Didn't look bad but it is later part of that day.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 17
Out at sea with volcanic region & Papua New Guinea in the background
On the shipcrew mention, Jeff was the most junior RO (Radio operator) onboard L202. Same age as Cook Tan. I didn't rate him as a soccer player until this day where he was the best player in our team, scoring against the midshipman team. I think I remember vaguely, we didn't put in our strongest team for the 1st half but RO Jeff gave us the lead. In the 2nd half, the so-called stronger JRM team conceded 2 goals and a big loss. I underestimated the midshipman team.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip- Day 16
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 15
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 13 & 14
14 Sept 1997 Flashback
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 12 (Bye Bye Ambon)
At Ambon harbour with 2SG Nantha, attached Naval Diver. I first get to know him during my OJT phase attachment at Patrol Craft RSS Sovereignty where Nantha was the ship Naval gunner. He decided to become a Naval diver later and was attached to our ship for MSTD 97.
The SSD party @ Quarterdeck after slipoff from Ambon
This morning, ship sail at 10am and bye to Ambon which is not a nice port, hardly any good stuffs to buy or see any beautiful girls. After SSD, its Sunday routine and I slept for 2 hours before waking up to play soccer. Kept 8pm - 12am watch and the watch was planned by LKY. At the bridge, disturb Wee and he looks angry. Anyway, didn't intend to disturb him too much since he is angry. Tomorrow, hopefully is Saturday routine but I'm on 12pm - 4pm, so not much of a difference. Sea state a bit rocky after sailing off. I'm now waiting for my hair to dry before sleeping. Signoff, Weizhong
Some notes that I scribble at the end of my diary writing for that day. I remember before MSTD sailing on 1st Sep 1997, I went with KCP on the weekend to Peninsula Plaza to buy a camera. We're having food at fast food restaurant (BK) when I saw the girl that I had a crush on during Poly. We didn't see face to face and soon I lost sight of her. Happy to see her then, last saw her during BMT in 95 when she visiting her other friends. I bought my 1st ever camera on that weekend, the Pentax ESPIO 140 film camera @ S$400 from a Peninsula Plaza shop. It is the 2nd most expensive item that I have ever bought at that stage of my life. I bought it for the MSTD trip. I'm grateful for it as it went on to serve me for almost 8 years. Now the internal motor is not working well and it has since retired. Still keep it as an antique.
My S$400 investment for the 97 MSTD Trip
There's also a wireless remote control function for this camera
Still have a roll of film in it but Pentax ESPIO 140 has since retired after almost 8 years of excellent service
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 11 (Ambon)
The 500 Rupiah ticket to Pintu Kota, Ambon
LSWT, RP Chua, CPL Tey & ME OJT Yeo @ Pintu Kota, Ambon
Entrance to a small cave @ Pintu Kota
(L-R) Gunner Ang, RP Wee, CPL Tey & the Taxi-driver who took us there
Up the cliff with ME Goh Min Sern
Pintu Kota, Ambon - A beautiful place of Rocks
Photo shots @ Pintu Kota with CPL Tey & ME Yong
What are these L202 crews doing at this corner?
Looking down & observing nature @ work on the rocks of Pintu Kota
L202 crews Team photo @ Pintu Kota, Ambon
Backrow (L-R): RP Chua, Gunner Tey, ME Goh MS, Gunner Ang
Frontrow (L-R): L Shipwright, Cook Chan, ME OJT Yeo, our Ambon taxi guide
Bought an Ambon T-shirt in 1997 MSTD Trip
So we spend 3 days in Ambon, the first port of call during 97 MSTD sailing trip. I remember Ambon as a relatively quiet sea town or village. We don't feel unsafe walking on the street at night when going back to the ship. The memorable portion of my Ambon trip is definitely the joint patrol to the rocky maze place. In addition, I also recall witnessing some strange procession on their street where groups of people dressed in civilian clothes were marching together in a weird manner. They march in a NPCC way but the strange thing is they do it in slow motion & weird raising of hands. I think I saw both man and woman in the marching squad. We didn't just saw one group behaving like this, we saw a few other groups in the time spent in their town. Aside from that, it seems a very peaceful island. The indonesians that live on Ambon are darker in colour & complexion compare to the normal indonesians that I seen in my earlier trip to Palembang.
So Ambon was a peaceful sea town of Indonesia in 1997 when L202 was there but it didn't stay that way. I was shocked to hear in 1999 after the end of the Suharto reign, violent clashes broke up in Ambon between Muslims and Christian indonesians that reside on the island. Read that the deadly clashes resulted from a local small incident, a fight or quarrel between a taxi driver and a Muslim Ambonese. Details of the Ambon civil war available on this weblink:
The violence escalated and many people died and many more flee Ambon to other Indonesian islands. Ambon has been known as a Christian-pocket region in Indonesia, the Muslims in Ambon had been living in peace and harmony with the Christians. But 1999, all hell broke loose. That went on for a few years and I read that the situation has improved.
I hope the peace has return for good and will continue in Ambon, like the place that we visited back in 1997 where happy school children visited our ship and looks so happy and carefree.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 10 (Ambon)
Today was my duty day at Ambon. Close up 1st detail. Had a fairly busy morning as the open house commenced at 9am. We expect 50 school children to visit and in the end, more than 100 visited our ship. Show them the A-Gun, 0.5. Also show them the bridge. Finished writing letters for C and J, likely to post them tomorrow. Volunteered for shore patrol at night. Didn't sleep the whole day despite on the ship. In the evening, lifted up the AC ladder. I also tied up the guardrails there. GY was extremely nervous and it do irritates me as I raised my voice a little. I knew I was in the wrong but I just couldn't control my frustration there. He seem to be panicking or doing things too straight. I ask him to help me keep my football magazine because CO was at the brow. He put my magazine on the chair. This annoy me and in the end, CO stared at me when I try to get the magazine to the shore patrol. I went for shore patrol with Pang at 10pm to 12am++. The places that they took us were like slums, consisting of red light district and boxing places. Its interesting to visit the place and do patrol but the conditions there are really congested and smell of bad air there. When I'm back, "somebody" was a bit drunk and began talking nonsense, I ignore him. I was tired and slept for 1 hour plus. I'm 20 minutes late for closeup, Ang seem unhappy (understandably) but he didn't say out. Now its 3.10am and I'm still the QM. Signoff, Weizhong
Doing duty as a QM @ Ambon and took a photo during break
-------------------------------------------------------------On the shipcrew mention, Pang TP was the tech-hand/ME on board the ship. I think he served onboard L202 during OJT phase before becoming a full pledged crew. A fun loving guy.
Ang is the NSF gunner, who is the batchboy of Gunner Wong and joined L202 much later than me. He's a A level graduate with the typical boy next door looks who will be entering Singapore University after his NS stint. Remember he supports Liverpool and play football.
Till this day, I still remember about that joint shore patrol with the Ambon Indonesian police. ME Pang and myself volunteered for this task during our rest hours. Wearing our white Navy No. 3 uniform, we set off in the Indonesian police vehicle, not knowing exactly where will we be patrolling. The Indonesian policeman that was taking care of us was a very tall & muscular guy, which make us looks really unlike soldiers. Haha. The 1st stop was a boxing ring premise but there are nobody competing in the ring. Next, was a remote poorly lit area of a row of houses. The Indonesian policeman were talking to one of the girls at the house. The policeman turned and told us that the girl say we're very handsome. We just smiled and keep quiet.
After completing the round in this area, I think they took us to a nearby disco where we enter it in our uniform. Oh man, this is first time in our service that we did a patrol like this. Inside a disco, all of us went towards a table where the policemen greeted their colleague who dressed in civilian clothes. I can't remember or understand if who is he but guess it should be their police leader or supervisor. We're introduced to him and shake hands with him. After a short while in this disco, we left and continue our patrol to the next area.
The next area is the highlight of my Ambon trip. I find the place strange or unique as it is mainly made up of rocks and many passageways & stair steps that make it looks like a maze. Though late hours, there are quite a few people hanging around this area compare to other parts of Ambon that we seen earlier. There are also karoake shops in this rocky maze.The public eyes were not on the Indonesian police but on the two white uniform guys which is Pang and myself. We felt really weird and uncomfortable with the attention given. Just stick closely with the Indonesian policemen. We made our way up a staircase and to a corridor passageway with many rooms. The Indonesian policemen begin knocking on the doors and questioning the people who open the door. I didn't understand what are they talking about.
Next, the policeman ask me to proceed to start knocking on another room straight ahead. So, I go and knock, knock. A lady open the door and I let the policeman talk to her. In one of the other room that was open by the policeman, I actually saw one old man with two women inside on the bed. I saw many other sights in other rooms that I could not recall now. I realise this area may have been the red light district of Ambon. Its a messy place and I would have got lost in this maze if not for the local policemen. The place doesn't smell good but this is really unique patrol experience that I have in Ambon. It was an eye opener to another part of the world & their way of living.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 9 (Arrival in Ambon, Indonesia)
The day I reach Ambon, my 1st MSTD port. Kept morning watch, during my watch at 7am, saw a swarm of dolphins diving around our ship. Its look beautiful. I'm on watch, otherwise I would bring my camera, take a picture of these beautiful sea creatures. We enter the harbour at 9am. The place looks remote, like a village. There is one Matahari shopping centre. We had our shore leave at 2pm onwards after finishing all the preparations for the cocktail. I leave at the 2nd liberty at 3pm. The place doesn't look nice as the market looks dirty and smell horrible. I bought a Juventus T-shirt at Matahari, had a meal at KFC, call home but nobody at home. Call "san kim" and inform her everything is smooth. The place looks boring, congested and though there is karoake, it doesn't look attractive. I went out with a group of shipcrews including Hon, Ang, Yeo, Wilfred, Jerry, KCP, SK Tan and etc....We went back to ship around 10pm. I think I will post my letter to my friend on the 3rd day as CET know where to post letter. "Sian", tomorrow still got to attend colours. Signoff, Weizhong . 12.20am
Day One Shoreleave with the Ambon sea vessels
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 8
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 7
Monday, September 6, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 6
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 5
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 4
Friday, September 3, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip - Day 3
That "somebody" also in front of the officers at night, made comments of me wearing slippers and shit him, "lian zhi ji ren ye yao sabo", somemore I was at quarterdecks only for 2 minutes. He is really a "koko b ware" man. I use many types of these sort of languages, I didn't want actually but frustration just took control of me. Tomorrow is Sunday routine, therefore I sleep late today, watching TV. Think hardwriting was bad, should improve. Signoff, Weizhong. - 3rd Sept 97
On the "keeping watch" term, this is about the work or duty that we perform during sailing. My role during sailing is either that of a helmsman or a lookout. The helmsman assist in steering the ship towards the right course given by the officer of the watch while the lookout uses a bino to keep a look out for any nearby vessels or potential dangers.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip Day 2
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Yesterday Once More: 1997 Navy MSTD Trip
Its thirteen years since that memorable Navy sailing trip. Still have lots of fond memories about it. Decided to do a flashback on my facebook account and my blog too. It all begins with a Singapore Navy Landing Ship Tank called RSS Excellence, L202. I was posted to this excellent old WWII hospital ship back in July 1996 after completing my training at the Naval training school. Only 3 of us out of a class of approximately 30 trainees were posted to Landing Ship Tank. Many batchboys laughed at us because the Landing Ship Tank is the biggest ship in the Navy and as gunners, we need to maintain the ship. So many percieved we got the biggest area to maintain with daily chipping & painting from one end of the ship to the other, whole year long. They all thought we're going to have difficult life for the rest of our NS stint. My batchboys Ravi and Tok were posted to L203 (RSS Intrepid) and I was all alone posted to L202 (RSS Excellence).
On the first day that I reported to RSS Excellence, the majority of the shipcrews were on off day as the ship has just returned from a sailing trip. I met the Ops Officer LT Rayson Lim and he introduce to the Quartermaster on duty LRP. LRP explained that for new birds to the ship, its a standard protocol to do duty straightaway for three consecutive days with no duty-off. Ops, I had an advanced driving theory test on next evening. So I did my first understudy QM with LRP for my first day. The next morning, Ops Officer Rayson introduce me to my new boss, Buffer Yong. As a new lad & from previous OJT experience, I've prepared myself mentally to expect a tough first few weeks. I spoken to Buffer Yong about the driving theory test and to my surprise, my new boss allow me to go home on duty off to prepare for the exam without second question ask. It was a good start. I think LRP wasn't too impressed with the decision.
That was how I begin life in RSS Excellence. Now will move to the memorable MSTD trip in Sep 1997.
1st Sept 1997
Today was a busyday for me as I really panicked with the things to bring for the trip. Early morning, have breakfast with Mum and Weifang, went to buy films, sour plums,etc till 12pm noon. Began to panic as I was packing my stuffs. So many things to bring and some unnecessary ones like videotapes, magazines and extra clothings. Mum seem to be quite sad that I was leaving home for 2 months and she specially cook one of my favourite dish and even offer to give me money to take cab. Auntie also ask me to buy some Polo T from Indonesia for her. Really quite vexed by the stuffs to bring and in the end, ended with 2 super big bags and struggled to the MRT to meet Chan and KCP to take cab to the ship. Change my currency at Northpoint and also lend $200 to KCP. Hope he will not become another "somebody" . I think he will return me. Mum and Auntie actually wanted to send me off at the harbour but from what I heard from Leo, I told them they couldn't as I didn't submit their names. There are many people sending off the midshipmen and my ship slip off at 7.30pm. San Hoe also came today, nice to see him again. Kept 8-12 watch today with Low Kin Yuen. Call Dad to tell him everything is fine here. But forget to tell him to ask sister to tape the TCS prize presentation ceremony and also forget to bring my electrical notes. Ok, now its 1.20am, time to rest.