Giordano - World of Strangers @ Honiara
The above is my favourite photo of the MSTD trip. It is taken on EM Goh's camera (green shirt guy on the left most side). Remember he say our photo can be used for Giordano advertisement slogan, "World of Strangers". On EM Goh, he is the electrical guy onboard L202 and same ORD date as me. He may be small size but has a fiery temper, don't step on his toes on a bad day. Heard he work in a big IT firm (Sun) after ORD but actually not very sure because didn't stay in touch after L202 dinner in 98. Think saw someone that looks like him during last year RT @ Khatib camp but didn't talk as wasn't really sure its him and the person also "bo chap".
Back to Honiara, Solomon Islands, I remember the final duty day as a very tiring day because running many rounds of EP, to/fro the ship. Everyone was super tired, that why I got abandoned by my fellow team at night during securing of EP. Was damn pissed & tired on that night.
However, the thing that I have the strongest impression about my trip to Solomon Islands without refering to my sailing diary, also happen on this day. On that Solomon island duty day, the ship was anchored out at sea. During off duty watch period, CO allow us to swim in the sea near our ship. He also swim in it and many of us join him by jumping from the ship into the Solomon island calm sea. It was fun until after we finished the swim, our dear RO Wilfred informed us that this area is actually a SHARKS area. What the...why didn't he tell us before we jump into it. Haha, we all have a good laugh about how naive all of us were at that time, enjoying the swim, not aware of potential danger of sharks.
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