The 500 Rupiah ticket to Pintu Kota, Ambon
LSWT, RP Chua, CPL Tey & ME OJT Yeo @ Pintu Kota, Ambon
Entrance to a small cave @ Pintu Kota
(L-R) Gunner Ang, RP Wee, CPL Tey & the Taxi-driver who took us there
Up the cliff with ME Goh Min Sern
Pintu Kota, Ambon - A beautiful place of Rocks
Photo shots @ Pintu Kota with CPL Tey & ME Yong
What are these L202 crews doing at this corner?
Looking down & observing nature @ work on the rocks of Pintu Kota
L202 crews Team photo @ Pintu Kota, Ambon
Backrow (L-R): RP Chua, Gunner Tey, ME Goh MS, Gunner Ang
Frontrow (L-R): L Shipwright, Cook Chan, ME OJT Yeo, our Ambon taxi guide
Bought an Ambon T-shirt in 1997 MSTD Trip
So we spend 3 days in Ambon, the first port of call during 97 MSTD sailing trip. I remember Ambon as a relatively quiet sea town or village. We don't feel unsafe walking on the street at night when going back to the ship. The memorable portion of my Ambon trip is definitely the joint patrol to the rocky maze place. In addition, I also recall witnessing some strange procession on their street where groups of people dressed in civilian clothes were marching together in a weird manner. They march in a NPCC way but the strange thing is they do it in slow motion & weird raising of hands. I think I saw both man and woman in the marching squad. We didn't just saw one group behaving like this, we saw a few other groups in the time spent in their town. Aside from that, it seems a very peaceful island. The indonesians that live on Ambon are darker in colour & complexion compare to the normal indonesians that I seen in my earlier trip to Palembang.
So Ambon was a peaceful sea town of Indonesia in 1997 when L202 was there but it didn't stay that way. I was shocked to hear in 1999 after the end of the Suharto reign, violent clashes broke up in Ambon between Muslims and Christian indonesians that reside on the island. Read that the deadly clashes resulted from a local small incident, a fight or quarrel between a taxi driver and a Muslim Ambonese. Details of the Ambon civil war available on this weblink:
The violence escalated and many people died and many more flee Ambon to other Indonesian islands. Ambon has been known as a Christian-pocket region in Indonesia, the Muslims in Ambon had been living in peace and harmony with the Christians. But 1999, all hell broke loose. That went on for a few years and I read that the situation has improved.
I hope the peace has return for good and will continue in Ambon, like the place that we visited back in 1997 where happy school children visited our ship and looks so happy and carefree.
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